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5e Dmg Higher Level Wealth Chart

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In the following table we have provided the useful alphabetical chart that can list each and every background and also the initial GP that comes with it. 5E Initial Gold per level: Levels 2+ To although the rules are very different if you want to start a campaign for characters above the 1st level. 5e doesn't exactly have any kind of guidelines for wealth by level. There are three things that it does have, though. 1) Random Treasure Tables (DMG p136-149) 2) Guidelines for at what sort of level you should find different rarities of magic item (DMG p135) 3) A starting wealth table for characters joining a campaign at higher than first level. Apr 09, 2016 Expected Wealth By Level. Is a Starting equipment at higher level table on page 38 of the DMG just so you don't waste time. If I know my mid. For treasure, I did a much less thorough comparison, and just looked at the stated Pathfinder wealth by level compared to the expected cash equivalent 5e income derived in this thread. I noted the suggested starting magic items for higher-level characters on page 38 of the DMG, and assumed those were relatively close to what you'd be expected.

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This page is of questionable balance. Reason: I know the page is incomplete, but the class deals way too much damage and is completely overpowered. Advantage on all attacks, 1d12 Unarmed Attacks, 2-4d6 Throw Force Damage, 2d8 Claw attack at Level 3, and unlimited regeneration at Level 2. This is all at Levels 1-3. Also,

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Blacklight Predator[edit]

Creating a Blacklight Predator[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Blacklight Predator quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose your background. Third, choose your alignment.

5e Dmg Higher Level Wealth Chart

Class Features

As a Blacklight Predator you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Blacklight Predator level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Blacklight Predator level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Boomerang, Bioweapons, Club, Flail, Greatclub, Light Hammer, Mace, Maul, Quarterstaff, Warhammer
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: You are proficient in your choice in any 3 of these skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • None
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 1d4 gold in funds.

Table: The Blacklight Predator

1st+2Biomass, Bioweapons
2nd+2Infected Speed, Subclass
3rd+2Claws, Wallrun, Consume
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Air Dash, Infected Vision
6th+3Tendrils, Consume Upgrade
7th+3Shields, Subclass feature
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
9th+4Muscle Mass, Hunter's Vision, Hammerfist
10th+4Armor, Devastator Attacks
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
13th+5Subclass feature
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
18th+6Subclass feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement

Saving throw DC calculation: 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.


The virus within you is changing you, but it seems to be for the better. Your muscles are supercharged with Biomass, something only you and others like you have. Weights mortals couldn't normally even push, you lift with ease. Your strength has improved tenfold, and now your offensive ability is far more deadly than anyone can imagine.


Your Biomass allows you to change your arms into weapons as you grow stronger, such as Claws, Blade, etc. If you have these features, you can change powers once each turn. Ex. If you already used a turn with claws, you can only switch to either no powers or a different power on your next turn. Outside of combat you can swap between powers once per 1d4 minutes.


Starting at 1st level, you gain great strength, much more than an ordinary humans. You get +2 Strength, up to a max of 24.


Starting at 1st level, you can gain advantage on all unarmed strikes for one turn. After doing so, you must finish a short or long rest to do so again. In addition, while unarmed, you can attack any target within melee range, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage per hit. Ex: A punch followed by a kick will equal 2d6 damage.


Due to your exceptional strength, you can pick up any object or creature within melee range and throw it in one direction. Make a ranged attack roll using strength. The range and damage of the thrown object or creature, as well as movement speed while holding objects or creatures, are listed below:

Small-weight class
(Thrown) 1d4 force damage, 20ft range. Movement speed: Current movement speed.
Medium-weight class
(Thrown) 2d4 force damage, 15ft range. Half your movement speed.
Large-weight class
(Thrown) 4d4 force damage, 10ft range. Movement speed: Cannot move.
Any Explosive that is thrown will automatically explode on impact.

Enhanced Speed[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you gain speeds beyond mortal capabilities. You gain an additional 10ft to your running speed, and can jump up to 25ft into the air. This increases to 25ft and 50ft at 9th level, 50ft and 100ft at 16th level, and 100ft and 200ft at 20th level


Starting at level 2, when you are sprinting, you can dash forward 5ft at 3x your movement speed. You must wait 1d4 x 1/2 minutes to do so again.


Starting at 3rd level, you can attempt to have your biomass envelop, crush, and consume any Small-Weight class creature as long as it is at 1/3 health, giving you a 1/3 of your health back in return. You can use this feature twice at 3rd level, gaining one additional use at 14th and 18th levels. You regain all uses upon completing a long rest.


At 3rd level, you gain access to the Biomass Claws, weapons so sharp and fast, daggers and knives turn obsolete. Your hands are covered with Biomass, turning into massive, sharp claws. The attack range on any attack made with these is melee range + 1ft. You gain +5 to your speed while attacking with these. The Claws do 2d4 slashing damage per attack. Damage increases to 3d4 at 6th level, 4d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 18th level, and 6d8 at 20th level.

Ground Spike

At 7th level, you can drive your claws into the ground, causing massive infected spikes to erupt from the ground in a 3ft radius around you, or in a 1ft wide, up to 10ft long pattern towards any one target you choose to attack with Ground Spike. Each individual spike deals 3d6 piercing damage, and holds them in the air for 1 second. This upgrades to 4d6 piercing damage and 2 seconds at 11th level, 5d6 and 2 seconds at 15th level, and 6d8 piercing damage and 3 seconds at 18th level.


At 10th level, you may lunge at any one target within 40ft, dealing 6d8 slashing damage. This damage increases to 7d8 and 50ft at 15th level, and 8d8 and 60ft at 20th level.

Wall Run[edit]

Starting at 3rd level, you may now run up walls at your current movement speed.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless any feature says otherwise.

Infected Vision[edit]

Starting at 5th level, your eyes have the ability to detect viruses, infections, and diseases of any kind and reveal them to you. Your eyes change into a grey color entirely, and your vision dims by 10ft. However, if any creature has any sort of illness, i.e. zombie disease, a virus, a parasite, or maybe even someone else with Biomass, whatever the DM sees fit, they are surrounded with a red aura in your vision. This feature also grants you +1 on intimidation.

Air Dash[edit]

At 5th level, while airborne, you can Airdash 75ft in one direction. Airdashing towards the ground lets you take no fall damage, at the cost of half your movement speed for 1d4 minutes. Upgrades to 2 uses while airborne at 10th level, and 3 times at 20th level.

Consume Upgrade[edit]

At 6th level, you can now attempt to consume a Medium-weight Class creature. It must be at half health to consume, and you gain 1/2 of your health back. This can be used once per long rest at 6th level, twice at 13th level, and 3 times at 20th level


At 6th level, you gain access to an unique ability, something no living thing has a true defense against. The Tendrils cover your arms and hands with Biomass. You can make an arm thrusting motion to attack any creature in melee range, dealing 2d6 force damage. Damage increases to 3d6 at 12th level, 4d6 at 15th level, 5d6 at 18th level, and 6d6 at 20th level. Any target killed by this has up to 3 tendrils extend from their dead body, latching onto any solid office in the direction they extend in. If any of these attach to anything, they attempt to pull the body attached to them in that direction.

Black Hole

At 12th level, you can make a 'black hole' attack, targeting one target within a 30ft range, dealing 3d8 damage. Use both arms in a arm thrust. When using this attack, after it connects with the 1st target, up to 8 tendrils extend in a 15ft radius around the 1st target, attaching to any movable object. The tendrils deal 1d6 to any living creature they connect to, and all tendrils pull their object toward the center target. The damage chart is listed below:

Small-Weight Class(Creature or Object)
1d8 bludgeoning damage to the center target, and 2d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to a tendril this object hits.
Medium-Weight Class(Creature or Object)
2d8 bludgeoning damage to the center target, and 3d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to a tendril that this object hits.
Large-Weight Class(Creature or Object)
3d8 bludgeoning damage to the center target, and 4d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to other tendrils this object hits.
Huge-Weight Class(Object only)
4d8 bludgeoning damage to center target, and 5d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to other tendrils this object hits.
Damage at higher levels

Damage for black hole increases by 1d8 for every instance of damage for every 2 levels above 12.


At 7th level, if you are airborne, you may roll a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, you will glide in the air, pushing you back into the air a distance of half your movement speed, and going in any direction at your current movement speed. You can air dash while gliding. Doing so will allow you to glide again, pushing you up into the air again.


Defensive Use

At 7th level, you can turn your arms from the shoulder down into Biomass shields. These shields are the ultimate defense against projectiles, and you don't even take any damage for blocking whatever projectile comes your way. When using this feature, make a Constitution saving throw against the creature's attack roll. If you roll higher, you block an amount of damage equal to 1d10 + your Constitution modifier in damage. At 14th level, these shields become extremely dense, allowing you to block 2d12 + 2 x Constitution modifier, but your movement speed is halved while using them. This uses your reaction.


While using the Shield feature, you may perform a Shield Bash attack on one target within melee range, dealing 2d8 + Strength Modifier bludgeoning damage.


You can deflect any projectiles shot towards you by using your reaction and making a Dexterity saving throw against the weapon attack roll. If you get higher, you deflect the projectile away from you in a direction of your choice.

Muscle Mass[edit]

At 9th level, you gain access to Muscle Mass, a feature that pushes your strength far beyond even the strongest monsters. While using Muscle Mass, all unarmed strikes deal double damage. Also, you gain additional damage, range, and movement speed to your throws and movement speed while holding objects or creatures. The chart for these stats are explained below:

Small-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

1d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 100ft(Thrown). Movement speed: Current Movement speed.

Medium-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

3d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 75ft(Thrown).Movement speed; Current Movement speed.

Large-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

5d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 50ft(Thrown).Movement speed: Current Movement speed x 2/3.

Huge-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

7d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 25ft(Thrown).Movement speed: Half current movement speed.

Hunter's Vision[edit]

At 9th level, you can change your vision into a sort of thermal targeting vision, where any one target you either heard a description of or seen is revealed in bright red, for 1d4 minutes. In addition, if the target is outside of your vision's targeting radius, a pulse will emit from all around your body, and will return from the direction of your target. As long as you are in 35ft of the target, you can see them through objects. You also gain Darkvision of 60ft, and +2 Perception.


At 9th level, you gain access to the Hammerfist feature, which turns your hands into a pair of Biomass gauntlets that shake the very earth on impact. Your attacks have a 6in radius of effect outside of your melee distance. When attacking with these, you slam the ground with the Hammerfist, dealing 3d8 bludgeoning damage to any target within melee distance, and 2d6 to any creature inside the 6in radius for each attack you perform with the Hammerfist. Damage increase to 4d8 and 3d6 at 13th level, 5d8 and 4d6 at 17th level, and 6d8 and 5d6 at 20th level.


At 13th level, while airborne, you can use the Hammerfist to choose any target on the ground, and drop directly on top of them with a fist, dealing 4d8 bludgeoning damage. A 2 1/2 ft shockwave emits from the target, dealing 3d6 force damage to any creature inside the shockwave radius. You can also use both fists, dealing 8d8 damage to the chosen target. If so, a 5ft shockwave emits from the center, dealing 5d6 force damage to any creature inside the shockwave. Any object or creature not tethered to the ground is blown back 1 1/2 ft if one fist was used, 3ft if both were used. Damage increases to 10d8 and 7d6 at 15th level, and 12d8 and 9d6 at 20th level.


At 10th level, you gain access to Biomass armor, one of your most powerful defenses. Combined with one of your powers, not only will you look like a god of war, you'll be a devastating force to be reckoned with. While having armor active, all physical attacks have disadvantage on you. When you are attacked, make a Constitution saving throw. On a 15 or higher, any physical damage dealt to you is halved, and any magic attack does it's normal amount x 2/3. On any roll lower, all physical damage does it's normal amount of damage x 2/3, and magic attacks are unaffected by the armor. While having Armor active, you gain +5 intimidation, but cannot glide. The armor lasts for 1d4 rounds, and you must finish a long rest before being able to use it again.

Critical Mass[edit]

At 10th level, your Biomass advances in its consuming ability. You can consume creatures while at full health, doing so will grant you Critical Mass. This is used up by using Devastators. It also acts as health; i.e. if you take damage, it will take away from the Critical Mass before damaging your health. Full Critical Mass equals 1/3 of your current health. You can only have Critical Mass when at full health. At 10th level, you must consume either 2 Small-Weight Class creatures or 1 Medium-Weight Class creature to gain full Critical Mass. At 15th level, 3 Small-Weight Creatures, 2 Medium-Weight Creatures, or 1 Large-Weight Creature. At 20th level, 4 Small-Weight Class Creatures, 3 Medium-Weight Class Creatures, 2 Large-Weight Class Creatures, or 1 Huge-Weight Class Creature.

Devastator Attacks[edit]

Once you hit 10th level, you begin to feel a power brewing within you, something you never felt before. You don't know it yet, but this power will give you access to some of your most devastating attacks you could ever use. In order to use devastators, you must have the required Critical Mass. At 10th level, you gain the Groundspike Graveyard Devastator. This attacks costs all of your Critical Mass at 10th level, half at 15th level, and 1/3 at 20th level. Groundspike Graveyard causes 15ft tall, 3ft wide spikes to erupt from the ground in a 7ft radius around you, dealing 6d8 piercing damage to any creature hit by the spikes. Creatures inside may make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they can dodge in between the spikes, taking no damage. Once the attack is over, you are immobile for 1 turn, and are at a disadvantage on all attacks. At level 15, you can use all your critical mass to double the radius and dmg of the devastator, but at the cost of being immobile for 1 more turn, and at level 20, you can use either 2/3 or all your critical mass to either double or triple your radius and dmg, at the cost of leaving you immobile for either 2 or 3 turns. You can only use this attack once per long rest.


At 11th level, you can grab a Small or Medium Weight Class Creature, and inject it with Biomass. This allows you to throw the creature at any other target you wish, dealing its normal damage explained above. However, it also makes the thrown creature have 2d4 tendrils emit from them. These tendrils grab any untethered object or creature, dealing 2d6 piercing damage to the grabbed creature, and pulling them into the thrown target, dealing 2d8 force damage to the thrown target and any other creature it comes into contact with. You gain an additional use at 11th level, and another at 17th level. You regain all uses upon completing a long rest.

Consume Upgrade[edit]

Starting at level 11, you can now attempt to consume a Large-Weight Class Creature to gain 2/3 of your health back. The creature must be at 1/3 health to do so. This feature can only be used once per long rest at level 11, and twice at level 17.

Bulletdive Drop[edit]

Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to drop suddenly at high speeds and hit the ground for a devastating area of effect slam attack. In a 30ft radius, all targets make a Strength saving throw. If any creatures fail this saving throw, they take 3d12 bludgeoning damage and are knocked back 20ft and are prone. If they succeed, they take half as much and are only knocked back 10ft, and are not knocked prone. For every 10ft in the air that you are above 50ft height, add 1d12 dmg and 5ft knockback.


Starting at level 14, you gain access to the Whipfist Bioweapon, a extendable blade used to hit and grab far-away targets. Its range is melee + 5ft, and 25ft ranged. If used to attack within its melee range, it does 3d6 slashing dmg. If used to attack a ranged target, it does 4d6 piercing dmg. These damages upgrade by 1d6 for every 2 levels above 14. Whipfist also allows you to grab any target within 20ft of you.

Street Sweeper

At level 17, you can use the Whipfist to swing in an 10ft circle around you, dealing 6d6 slashing dmg to any creature inside. This upgrades to 7d6 at level 20.

Tendril Barrage Devastator[edit]

Starting at 15th level, you gain access to the Tendril Barrage Devastator. This attacks takes 1/3 of your Critical Mass to use normally, 2/3 to do 2x dmg, and all to do 3x dmg. Upon using this attack, 4d10 (minimum of 15)Tendrils emit from your body in a 30ft radius around you, dealing 6d8 piercing dmg to anything the tendrils impale in the radius, and then 3d6 dmg from un-impaling themselves. Using this attack leaves you immobile for 2 turns if used normally or with double dmg, and 3 turns if used with 3x dmg. You are also at a disadvantage on all attack rolls dealt to you for 2 turns.


5e Dmg Higher Level Wealth Chart

At level 17, you gain access to your hardest hitting Bioweapon, the Blade. Your arm turns into a 4ft, serrated blade. Using this grants you +3 movement speed while attacking, and deals 6d8 slashing dmg. This upgrades to 8d8 at level 18.


At level 17, you can use the blade in a spinning attack, moving forward 1ft and dealing 7d8 slashing dmg to any creature within melee range of the attack that is hit by each spin of the blade. Ex. Your character spins once, any creature hit by the blade takes dmg. Then if any creature is hit again by the next spin, it takes additional dmg.

5e Dmg Higher Level Wealth Chart

Critical Pain Devastator[edit]

At level 18, you gain access to the Critical Pain Devastator. This is your final devastator, and the most damaging to a single enemy than any other attack you have. This devastator cost all Critical Mass to use, and targets 1 enemy in a 15ft range. When used, the target makes a Constitution Saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 5d10 piercing dmg, and 5d10 force dmg, or half that much on a successful save. Using this devastator leaves you immobile for 2 turns, and you take normal damage + an additional 1/2 of that damage when attacked. You can only use this attack once per long rest.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Blacklight Predator class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Blacklight Predator class, you gain the following proficiencies: One skill from the class's skill list.

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Class Features

As a Blacklight Predator you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Blacklight Predator level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Blacklight Predator level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Boomerang, Bioweapons, Club, Flail, Greatclub, Light Hammer, Mace, Maul, Quarterstaff, Warhammer
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: You are proficient in your choice in any 3 of these skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • None
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 1d4 gold in funds.

Table: The Blacklight Predator

1st+2Biomass, Bioweapons
2nd+2Infected Speed, Subclass
3rd+2Claws, Wallrun, Consume
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Air Dash, Infected Vision
6th+3Tendrils, Consume Upgrade
7th+3Shields, Subclass feature
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
9th+4Muscle Mass, Hunter's Vision, Hammerfist
10th+4Armor, Devastator Attacks
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
13th+5Subclass feature
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
18th+6Subclass feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement

Saving throw DC calculation: 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.


The virus within you is changing you, but it seems to be for the better. Your muscles are supercharged with Biomass, something only you and others like you have. Weights mortals couldn't normally even push, you lift with ease. Your strength has improved tenfold, and now your offensive ability is far more deadly than anyone can imagine.


Your Biomass allows you to change your arms into weapons as you grow stronger, such as Claws, Blade, etc. If you have these features, you can change powers once each turn. Ex. If you already used a turn with claws, you can only switch to either no powers or a different power on your next turn. Outside of combat you can swap between powers once per 1d4 minutes.


Starting at 1st level, you gain great strength, much more than an ordinary humans. You get +2 Strength, up to a max of 24.


Starting at 1st level, you can gain advantage on all unarmed strikes for one turn. After doing so, you must finish a short or long rest to do so again. In addition, while unarmed, you can attack any target within melee range, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage per hit. Ex: A punch followed by a kick will equal 2d6 damage.


Due to your exceptional strength, you can pick up any object or creature within melee range and throw it in one direction. Make a ranged attack roll using strength. The range and damage of the thrown object or creature, as well as movement speed while holding objects or creatures, are listed below:

Small-weight class
(Thrown) 1d4 force damage, 20ft range. Movement speed: Current movement speed.
Medium-weight class
(Thrown) 2d4 force damage, 15ft range. Half your movement speed.
Large-weight class
(Thrown) 4d4 force damage, 10ft range. Movement speed: Cannot move.
Any Explosive that is thrown will automatically explode on impact.

Enhanced Speed[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you gain speeds beyond mortal capabilities. You gain an additional 10ft to your running speed, and can jump up to 25ft into the air. This increases to 25ft and 50ft at 9th level, 50ft and 100ft at 16th level, and 100ft and 200ft at 20th level


Starting at level 2, when you are sprinting, you can dash forward 5ft at 3x your movement speed. You must wait 1d4 x 1/2 minutes to do so again.


Starting at 3rd level, you can attempt to have your biomass envelop, crush, and consume any Small-Weight class creature as long as it is at 1/3 health, giving you a 1/3 of your health back in return. You can use this feature twice at 3rd level, gaining one additional use at 14th and 18th levels. You regain all uses upon completing a long rest.


At 3rd level, you gain access to the Biomass Claws, weapons so sharp and fast, daggers and knives turn obsolete. Your hands are covered with Biomass, turning into massive, sharp claws. The attack range on any attack made with these is melee range + 1ft. You gain +5 to your speed while attacking with these. The Claws do 2d4 slashing damage per attack. Damage increases to 3d4 at 6th level, 4d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 18th level, and 6d8 at 20th level.

Ground Spike

At 7th level, you can drive your claws into the ground, causing massive infected spikes to erupt from the ground in a 3ft radius around you, or in a 1ft wide, up to 10ft long pattern towards any one target you choose to attack with Ground Spike. Each individual spike deals 3d6 piercing damage, and holds them in the air for 1 second. This upgrades to 4d6 piercing damage and 2 seconds at 11th level, 5d6 and 2 seconds at 15th level, and 6d8 piercing damage and 3 seconds at 18th level.


At 10th level, you may lunge at any one target within 40ft, dealing 6d8 slashing damage. This damage increases to 7d8 and 50ft at 15th level, and 8d8 and 60ft at 20th level.

Wall Run[edit]

Starting at 3rd level, you may now run up walls at your current movement speed.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless any feature says otherwise.

Infected Vision[edit]

Starting at 5th level, your eyes have the ability to detect viruses, infections, and diseases of any kind and reveal them to you. Your eyes change into a grey color entirely, and your vision dims by 10ft. However, if any creature has any sort of illness, i.e. zombie disease, a virus, a parasite, or maybe even someone else with Biomass, whatever the DM sees fit, they are surrounded with a red aura in your vision. This feature also grants you +1 on intimidation.

Air Dash[edit]

At 5th level, while airborne, you can Airdash 75ft in one direction. Airdashing towards the ground lets you take no fall damage, at the cost of half your movement speed for 1d4 minutes. Upgrades to 2 uses while airborne at 10th level, and 3 times at 20th level.

Consume Upgrade[edit]

At 6th level, you can now attempt to consume a Medium-weight Class creature. It must be at half health to consume, and you gain 1/2 of your health back. This can be used once per long rest at 6th level, twice at 13th level, and 3 times at 20th level


At 6th level, you gain access to an unique ability, something no living thing has a true defense against. The Tendrils cover your arms and hands with Biomass. You can make an arm thrusting motion to attack any creature in melee range, dealing 2d6 force damage. Damage increases to 3d6 at 12th level, 4d6 at 15th level, 5d6 at 18th level, and 6d6 at 20th level. Any target killed by this has up to 3 tendrils extend from their dead body, latching onto any solid office in the direction they extend in. If any of these attach to anything, they attempt to pull the body attached to them in that direction.

Black Hole

At 12th level, you can make a 'black hole' attack, targeting one target within a 30ft range, dealing 3d8 damage. Use both arms in a arm thrust. When using this attack, after it connects with the 1st target, up to 8 tendrils extend in a 15ft radius around the 1st target, attaching to any movable object. The tendrils deal 1d6 to any living creature they connect to, and all tendrils pull their object toward the center target. The damage chart is listed below:

Small-Weight Class(Creature or Object)
1d8 bludgeoning damage to the center target, and 2d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to a tendril this object hits.
Medium-Weight Class(Creature or Object)
2d8 bludgeoning damage to the center target, and 3d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to a tendril that this object hits.
Large-Weight Class(Creature or Object)
3d8 bludgeoning damage to the center target, and 4d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to other tendrils this object hits.
Huge-Weight Class(Object only)
4d8 bludgeoning damage to center target, and 5d8 to the attached creature and any creature attached to other tendrils this object hits.
Damage at higher levels

Damage for black hole increases by 1d8 for every instance of damage for every 2 levels above 12.


At 7th level, if you are airborne, you may roll a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, you will glide in the air, pushing you back into the air a distance of half your movement speed, and going in any direction at your current movement speed. You can air dash while gliding. Doing so will allow you to glide again, pushing you up into the air again.


Defensive Use

At 7th level, you can turn your arms from the shoulder down into Biomass shields. These shields are the ultimate defense against projectiles, and you don't even take any damage for blocking whatever projectile comes your way. When using this feature, make a Constitution saving throw against the creature's attack roll. If you roll higher, you block an amount of damage equal to 1d10 + your Constitution modifier in damage. At 14th level, these shields become extremely dense, allowing you to block 2d12 + 2 x Constitution modifier, but your movement speed is halved while using them. This uses your reaction.


While using the Shield feature, you may perform a Shield Bash attack on one target within melee range, dealing 2d8 + Strength Modifier bludgeoning damage.


You can deflect any projectiles shot towards you by using your reaction and making a Dexterity saving throw against the weapon attack roll. If you get higher, you deflect the projectile away from you in a direction of your choice.

Muscle Mass[edit]

At 9th level, you gain access to Muscle Mass, a feature that pushes your strength far beyond even the strongest monsters. While using Muscle Mass, all unarmed strikes deal double damage. Also, you gain additional damage, range, and movement speed to your throws and movement speed while holding objects or creatures. The chart for these stats are explained below:

Small-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

1d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 100ft(Thrown). Movement speed: Current Movement speed.

Medium-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

3d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 75ft(Thrown).Movement speed; Current Movement speed.

Large-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

5d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 50ft(Thrown).Movement speed: Current Movement speed x 2/3.

Huge-Weight Class(Object or Creature)

7d6 bludgeoning damage, Range: 25ft(Thrown).Movement speed: Half current movement speed.

Hunter's Vision[edit]

At 9th level, you can change your vision into a sort of thermal targeting vision, where any one target you either heard a description of or seen is revealed in bright red, for 1d4 minutes. In addition, if the target is outside of your vision's targeting radius, a pulse will emit from all around your body, and will return from the direction of your target. As long as you are in 35ft of the target, you can see them through objects. You also gain Darkvision of 60ft, and +2 Perception.


At 9th level, you gain access to the Hammerfist feature, which turns your hands into a pair of Biomass gauntlets that shake the very earth on impact. Your attacks have a 6in radius of effect outside of your melee distance. When attacking with these, you slam the ground with the Hammerfist, dealing 3d8 bludgeoning damage to any target within melee distance, and 2d6 to any creature inside the 6in radius for each attack you perform with the Hammerfist. Damage increase to 4d8 and 3d6 at 13th level, 5d8 and 4d6 at 17th level, and 6d8 and 5d6 at 20th level.


At 13th level, while airborne, you can use the Hammerfist to choose any target on the ground, and drop directly on top of them with a fist, dealing 4d8 bludgeoning damage. A 2 1/2 ft shockwave emits from the target, dealing 3d6 force damage to any creature inside the shockwave radius. You can also use both fists, dealing 8d8 damage to the chosen target. If so, a 5ft shockwave emits from the center, dealing 5d6 force damage to any creature inside the shockwave. Any object or creature not tethered to the ground is blown back 1 1/2 ft if one fist was used, 3ft if both were used. Damage increases to 10d8 and 7d6 at 15th level, and 12d8 and 9d6 at 20th level.


At 10th level, you gain access to Biomass armor, one of your most powerful defenses. Combined with one of your powers, not only will you look like a god of war, you'll be a devastating force to be reckoned with. While having armor active, all physical attacks have disadvantage on you. When you are attacked, make a Constitution saving throw. On a 15 or higher, any physical damage dealt to you is halved, and any magic attack does it's normal amount x 2/3. On any roll lower, all physical damage does it's normal amount of damage x 2/3, and magic attacks are unaffected by the armor. While having Armor active, you gain +5 intimidation, but cannot glide. The armor lasts for 1d4 rounds, and you must finish a long rest before being able to use it again.

Critical Mass[edit]

At 10th level, your Biomass advances in its consuming ability. You can consume creatures while at full health, doing so will grant you Critical Mass. This is used up by using Devastators. It also acts as health; i.e. if you take damage, it will take away from the Critical Mass before damaging your health. Full Critical Mass equals 1/3 of your current health. You can only have Critical Mass when at full health. At 10th level, you must consume either 2 Small-Weight Class creatures or 1 Medium-Weight Class creature to gain full Critical Mass. At 15th level, 3 Small-Weight Creatures, 2 Medium-Weight Creatures, or 1 Large-Weight Creature. At 20th level, 4 Small-Weight Class Creatures, 3 Medium-Weight Class Creatures, 2 Large-Weight Class Creatures, or 1 Huge-Weight Class Creature.

Devastator Attacks[edit]

Once you hit 10th level, you begin to feel a power brewing within you, something you never felt before. You don't know it yet, but this power will give you access to some of your most devastating attacks you could ever use. In order to use devastators, you must have the required Critical Mass. At 10th level, you gain the Groundspike Graveyard Devastator. This attacks costs all of your Critical Mass at 10th level, half at 15th level, and 1/3 at 20th level. Groundspike Graveyard causes 15ft tall, 3ft wide spikes to erupt from the ground in a 7ft radius around you, dealing 6d8 piercing damage to any creature hit by the spikes. Creatures inside may make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they can dodge in between the spikes, taking no damage. Once the attack is over, you are immobile for 1 turn, and are at a disadvantage on all attacks. At level 15, you can use all your critical mass to double the radius and dmg of the devastator, but at the cost of being immobile for 1 more turn, and at level 20, you can use either 2/3 or all your critical mass to either double or triple your radius and dmg, at the cost of leaving you immobile for either 2 or 3 turns. You can only use this attack once per long rest.


At 11th level, you can grab a Small or Medium Weight Class Creature, and inject it with Biomass. This allows you to throw the creature at any other target you wish, dealing its normal damage explained above. However, it also makes the thrown creature have 2d4 tendrils emit from them. These tendrils grab any untethered object or creature, dealing 2d6 piercing damage to the grabbed creature, and pulling them into the thrown target, dealing 2d8 force damage to the thrown target and any other creature it comes into contact with. You gain an additional use at 11th level, and another at 17th level. You regain all uses upon completing a long rest.

Consume Upgrade[edit]

Starting at level 11, you can now attempt to consume a Large-Weight Class Creature to gain 2/3 of your health back. The creature must be at 1/3 health to do so. This feature can only be used once per long rest at level 11, and twice at level 17.

Bulletdive Drop[edit]

Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to drop suddenly at high speeds and hit the ground for a devastating area of effect slam attack. In a 30ft radius, all targets make a Strength saving throw. If any creatures fail this saving throw, they take 3d12 bludgeoning damage and are knocked back 20ft and are prone. If they succeed, they take half as much and are only knocked back 10ft, and are not knocked prone. For every 10ft in the air that you are above 50ft height, add 1d12 dmg and 5ft knockback.


Starting at level 14, you gain access to the Whipfist Bioweapon, a extendable blade used to hit and grab far-away targets. Its range is melee + 5ft, and 25ft ranged. If used to attack within its melee range, it does 3d6 slashing dmg. If used to attack a ranged target, it does 4d6 piercing dmg. These damages upgrade by 1d6 for every 2 levels above 14. Whipfist also allows you to grab any target within 20ft of you.

Street Sweeper

At level 17, you can use the Whipfist to swing in an 10ft circle around you, dealing 6d6 slashing dmg to any creature inside. This upgrades to 7d6 at level 20.

Tendril Barrage Devastator[edit]

Starting at 15th level, you gain access to the Tendril Barrage Devastator. This attacks takes 1/3 of your Critical Mass to use normally, 2/3 to do 2x dmg, and all to do 3x dmg. Upon using this attack, 4d10 (minimum of 15)Tendrils emit from your body in a 30ft radius around you, dealing 6d8 piercing dmg to anything the tendrils impale in the radius, and then 3d6 dmg from un-impaling themselves. Using this attack leaves you immobile for 2 turns if used normally or with double dmg, and 3 turns if used with 3x dmg. You are also at a disadvantage on all attack rolls dealt to you for 2 turns.


At level 17, you gain access to your hardest hitting Bioweapon, the Blade. Your arm turns into a 4ft, serrated blade. Using this grants you +3 movement speed while attacking, and deals 6d8 slashing dmg. This upgrades to 8d8 at level 18.


At level 17, you can use the blade in a spinning attack, moving forward 1ft and dealing 7d8 slashing dmg to any creature within melee range of the attack that is hit by each spin of the blade. Ex. Your character spins once, any creature hit by the blade takes dmg. Then if any creature is hit again by the next spin, it takes additional dmg.

Critical Pain Devastator[edit]

At level 18, you gain access to the Critical Pain Devastator. This is your final devastator, and the most damaging to a single enemy than any other attack you have. This devastator cost all Critical Mass to use, and targets 1 enemy in a 15ft range. When used, the target makes a Constitution Saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 5d10 piercing dmg, and 5d10 force dmg, or half that much on a successful save. Using this devastator leaves you immobile for 2 turns, and you take normal damage + an additional 1/2 of that damage when attacked. You can only use this attack once per long rest.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Blacklight Predator class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Blacklight Predator class, you gain the following proficiencies: One skill from the class's skill list.

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By Rob Bricken

The 4th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing came recently came out, and some of the older fans have bemoaned the lack of proper alignments, the loss of certain classes like the druid, and so forth. But there?s only one thing truly missing from the newest D&D: whores.

Yes, whores. In the very first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Gary Gygax and company knew full well that any halfway decent fantasy world would be full of whores in tight corsets and willing to fuck any PC without an N. Why, you couldn?t swing a bugbear without hitting a whore in D&D?s glory age?but Gygax soon realized that after the bugbear hit the whore, what kind of whore would she be? Obviously, more information was necessary.
So Gygax made the above, totally batshit-insane and absolutely true Random Harlot Table, so that Dungeon Masters could know what kind of whore their adventurers had encountered (shockingly, this table was dropped from all future additions of D&D, alas). Because of our deep, abiding love for both D&D and whores, TR takes a closer look at the 12 different harlots one might randomly encounter.

1) Slovenly Trull

A trull is just another synonym for prostitute, so we have to focus on the ?slovenly? here. Frankly, there a lot of adjectives they could have picked to describe this breed of whore?dirty, messy, filthy even?but slovenly indicates this whore has an utter contempt for her own appearance and well-being, and is likely covered in filth. There is absolutely no way the Slovenly Trull does not have some kind of venereal disease. Should your character drink too much mead and decide to pay up the two coppers and insert his wang into the Slovenly Trull, only a critical success on a Saving Throw will prevent his penis turning black and falling off in 1d4 days.

Higher Level Dispensary

2) Brazen Strumpet

Strumpet is usually more associated with sluts than professional prostitutes, so I say the Strumpet?who shocks others with her brazen desire for sex?is probably the D&D representative of the town fuck. She?s probably not a hottie, and likely looks a bit rough around the edges, having been hollowed out by fighters, thieves and mages of a variety of levels and sexual proclivities. The Brazen Strumpet loves the sex?or the fake feeling of affection it generates before her companions go off to storm the nearby castle ruins?and will make sure to mention this in every conversation. It?s also likely that she?s willing to have sex with a 10th-level fighter and all the followers he gains?at the same time.

3) Cheap Trollop

A trollop is just a prostitute, so if you?ve rolled a Cheap Trollop on the whore table, congratulations! You?ve just randomly encountered a cheap lay. Of course, Cheap really only refers to her price (which should still be above the Slovenly Trull?s bargain-basement sale); the reason why the Trollop is cheap is up to the Dungeon Master. Is the Trollop homely, and unable to charge more? Are there so many hookers in the area that market prices have forced her to discount her price? Does she just have a poor grasp of finance, and doesn?t know what her fucking is worth? Your imagination is your only limit!

4) Typical Streetwalker

As the name indicates, this is your standard, average prostitute. She will be sexy but not necessary attractive, and sex is purely a business transaction for her. She will charge you her standard price (likely to be in the high silver or low gold range, depending on the economy of the fantasy world) even if she wants to have sex with your dashing 6? 6? fighter-mage personally, just to maintain her professionalism. Roll 1d2 after fucking the Typical Streetwalker: if you rolled a 1-2, you have chlamydia; 3-4, you have gonorrhea; 5-12, you?re safe.

5) Saucy Tart

Although still a sex-worker, the Saucy Tart is different from the Typical Streetwalker by having a personality; she?s smart, funny, and will inevitably cause awkward feelings among your players who will fall kind of in love with the character, and would totally treat her right if she were real, and believe she?d probably love them too. Your standard hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold is likely to be a Saucy Tart, assuming she joined the prostitution trade willingly; if she didn?t, then she probably just cries a lot when she?s alone.

Higher Level Seaside Ca

6) Wanton Wench

5e Dmg Higher Level Wealth Charter

Wench also implies sluttiness more than professional fucking, and the wanton confirms it?the Wanton Wench is actually Ye Old Nymphomaniac. She has no sexual boundaries, and her desire to be drilled overcomes her common sense and all social taboos, and will fuck any class, any race, any level. She has been fucked in a 10 by 10 room by an orc guarding a chest?over the chest, actually?and, although she?s not proud of it, she?d do it again if she had to.

7) Expensive Doxy

Doxy is just a fancy (and fancy sounding) word for prostitute, which works out very well because an Expensive Doxy is pretty much an Expensive Prostitute. Although there could be the same kind of economic shenanigans that inversely affect the Cheap Trollop, chances are the Expensive Doxy just works for a high-class, well-known and reasonably disease-free call girl service, much like Heidi Fleiss ran and Eliot Spitzer enjoyed. This, along with the fact that the Doxies are almost certainly gorgeous, means they can be Expensive, and their high-class clientele (basically, anyone above 15th level) are happy to pay the price.

8) Haughty Courtesan

A Courtesan is a well-respected whore, which can mean a few things. 1) The Courtesan can be a royal position enjoyed by the King, or someone of similar statue. 2) Depending on the society, Courtesans can even be a legitimate and honored position in society (think Inara from Firefly, Whedon-ites). Unfortunately, as Gary Gygax has decreed, no matter the situation, all Courtesans in all Dungeons & Dragons worlds are haughty bitches. Unless your character is the King, the Courtesan will only tell her guards to beat the shit out of you while she sneers or gives one of those obnoxious laughs that some anime girls do when they?re being evil. If you?d like to use a non-Haughty Courtesan, you have to play a different game. It?s in the rules for a reason, okay?

9) Aged Madam

The Aged Madam is not likely to do any fucking herself, which is good, because she?s Aged and that would be really weird, even for a fantasy role-playing game. Instead, the Aged Madam runs some of the other whores listed in this table, and could very well be the one brokering the transaction between the PCs and the fuckery. By the traditions of Western storytelling, Madams will most likely run a whorehouse instead of having their employees on the streets, and the overhead for the commercial location will likely mean the Aged Madam is selling services from Expensive Doxies or at least Typical Streetwalkers.

10) Wealthy Procuress

A Procuress is the exact same thing as a female pimp or a Madam, so there are basically two types of Madams you can encounter?rich or old. I don?t know if the Madams start as Wealthy Procuress, get old, lose their gold pieces and become Aged Madams, or if you have to be an Aged Madam for awhile before you make enough money to become a Wealthy Procuress (and are still old, but no one mentions it because you?d be rich and can hire the Assassin?s Guild to kill whomever you please). Alas, poor Gygax passed away before he answered which comes first. I do have hopes that the eventual D&D Advanced Whore Sourcebook will explain such mysteries.

11) Sly Pimp

While the word Pimp always implies a male, there?s no real reason that your Sly Pimp can?t be a woman?it is a magical world beyond imagination, after all! However, since there are already two female prostitute-pushers on the table, the Sly Pimp might as well be male. Unlike the Aged Madam, he will almost certainly have his girls work on the streets and in the taverns, having no centralized area of commerce. Also all Pimps must be Sly; all this really means is that they must be clever, so your Pimps can be cruel (slapping their hos on slow nights, or for ?sass?) or kind and generous (?Here, buddy?take two gold pieces, go fuck Beckee and don?t tell her I told you to. She?s just been feeling unattractive lately, so I think this?ll cheer her up.?).

12) Rich Panderer

The male equivalent of the Wealthy Procuress, his wealth most likely lets him also own a whorehouse, where he could be selling anything. Most men don?t get into the pimping business because of their strong feelings on women?s rights, so its entirely possible he?s selling a dilapidated house full of Slovenly Trulls, although he could be running the Haughty Courtesans? Guild as well. When the Sly Pimp gets enough experience points to become a Rich Panderer, his large-brimmed hat automatically gets him +2 to his armor class, and his cane gets +1 damage to women in general and +2 damage against hos in specific.

  • ?By Heidi KempsWhen a game sucks, it's usually pretty bad

  • ?Not much out nerdy today, despite Black Friday looming. It's mostly

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